1st Blackshirt Division (23 March)

The Blackshirt Division 23 March (Italian:Divisione CC.NN. "23 Marzo") was an Italian MVSN Blackshirt (Fascist) militia unit formed for the Second Italo-Abyssinian War.

During the Second World War it was encircled at Bardia and surrendered to the British forces in January 1941. It was named 23 Marzo (Italian, 23 March) in honor of the founding of the Italian Fascist Party on 23 March 1919.


Order of battle (1935-36)


Additionally the Division had a Medical Section, Logistics Section, and transport of a Pack-Mules unit (1600 mules), and a Mixed Trucks unit (80 light trucks)

Order of battle (1940)



External links